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ESP32 Open IoT and IIoT Gateways (P01 & P02)

The female goldpin connector allows easy access to different signals. It might be useful during analysis of the board. 

  • GPI38 - general purpose input pin, connected directly to the MCU (might work only as an input pin)
  • 3V3 - 3.3 V voltage
  • I2C_SCL and I2C_SDA - main lines of the I2C interface
  • GND - ground
  • NC - not connected
  • FGC - frame ground connection
  • BUT_EXT - switch test line ('1' is set by default)
  • Q2 - Q2 pin of the shift register
  • STCP - storage register clock input
  • SHCP - shift register clock input
  • Q7S - serial data output pin of shift register
  • CHIP_PU - chip power up signal ('1' - enables the chip)