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Ports configuration commands

In terms of ports configuration it is possible to change parameters like: service, baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits and so on. UART commands are provided below.

  • uart
    • uart help
      Print the help message.

    • uart list
      List available uarts in the system.

      uart list
      0: baud: 9600 bits: 8 stop_bits: 1 parity: none (service console)
      1: baud: 115200 bits: 8 stop_bits: 2 parity: odd (covered by cons.)
      2: baud: 9600 bits: 8 stop_bits: 1 parity: none
      3: baud: 1200 bits: 8 stop_bits: 2 parity: even termination: ON (R-COM)
      3: baud: 38400 bits: 8 stop_bits: 2 parity: none termination: OFF

    • uart PORT_NUMBER baud BAUD
      Set PORT_NUMBER baudrate to BAUD. BAUD value can be one of the following:
      2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

      uart 1 baud 9600

      WARNING: UART covered by console. Changes will take place after the reset.

    • uart PORT_NUMBER bits BITS
      Set bit length to BITS. BITS value can be one only 8.

      uart 2 bits 8

    • uart PORT_NUMBER stop_bits STOP_BITS
      Set stop_bits length to STOP_BITS. STOP_BITS value can be only 1 or 2.

      uart 2 stop_bits 1

    • uart PORT_NUMBER parity PARITY
      Set uart parity to PARITY. PARITY value can be one of the following: none, odd, even.

      uart 3 parity even

    • uart PORT_NUMBER termination STATE
      Set uart termination to new STATE. STATE can be only ON or OFF.

      uart 3 termination ON

  • uart_service
    • uart_service help
      Print the help message.

    • uart_service list
      List of uarts services status.

      uart_service list
      1 state: ON service: Remote COM port: 1504 enc: YES
      2 state: OFF service: TCP Socket port: 1510
      3 state: OFF service: UDP Socket port: 1510

    • uart_service UART_NUMBER state STATE
      Set UART_NUMBER state to STATE. STATE value can be only ON or OFF.

      uart_service 1 state ON

    • uart_service UART_NUMBER service SERVICE
      Set UART_NUMBER service to SERVICE. SERVICE value can be one of the following: Remote COM, TCP Socket, UDP Socket.

      uart_service 1 service TCP Socket

    • uart_service UART_NUMBER port PORT_NUMBER
      Set UART_NUMBER port to PORT_NUMBER. PORT_NUMBER value can be any in the range: 1-65535.

      uart_service 1 port 1501

    • uart_service UART_NUMBER enc ENC_STATE
      Set UART_NUMBER encryption to ENC_STATE. ENC_STATE can be only YES or NO.

      uart_service 1 enc YES

      If ENC_STATE is YES then it will ask for a new password for encryption.
Network settings

The following commands might be helpful to change network settings according to target LAN parameters. 

  • ipconfig
    • ipconfig addr ADDRESS
      Set IP address to ADDRESS.

      ipconfig addr

    • ipconfig mask NETMASK
      Set subnet mask to NETMASK (in dot-decimal format).

      ipconfig mask

    • ipconfig mask BIT_COUNT
      Set subnet mask to BIT_COUNT bits.

      ipconfig mask 24

    • ipconfig gateway GATEWAY_IP
      Set network gateway to GATEWAY_IP.

      ipconfig gateway

    • ipconfig dhcp enable/disable
      Enable or disable DHCP client.

      ipconfig dhcp enable

    • ipconfig dns1 ADDRESS
      Set primary DNS to ADDRESS, disable getting DNS from DHCP if enabled.

      ipconfig dns1
    • ipconfig dns2 ADDRESS
      Set secondary DNS to ADDRESS, disable getting DNS from DHCP if enabled.

      ipconfig dns2

  • eth_mac
    • eth_mac help
      Print the help message.

    • eth_mac default
      Set device’s MAC address to factory-default one.

    • eth_mac set MAC_ADDR
      Set device’s MAC address to MAC_ADDR. Accepts both dash and colon-separated formats.

      eth_mac set 01-02-03-04-05-06

      eth_mac set 01:02:03:04:05:06

  • http_port
    • http_port help
      Print the help message.

    • http_port PORT_NUMBER
      Set http port to PORT_NUMBER. A PORT_NUMBER value must be in range: 1-65535.

      http_port 80

    • http_port status
      Print current http port.

      http_port status
      A current http port is 80

  • telnet_port
    • telnet_port help
      Print the help message.

    • telnet_port PORT_NUMBER
      Set Telnet port to PORT_NUMBER. A PORT_NUMBER value must be in range: 1-65535.

      telnet_port 23

    • telnet_port status
      Print current Telnet port.

      telnet_port status
      A current telnet port is 23
Changing username or password

To change username or password, use user command.

Available commands:

  • user help
    Print the help message.

  • user mod_name USER_NAME NEW_NAME
    Change the user name to NEW_NAME. It fails if the name is used by another user.

    user mod_name admin john

  • user passwd USER_NAME
    Change USER_NAME's password.

    user passwd admin
    ****** <- here is entered password, but '*' appears instead

    Note: Everyone can change the password for themselves.