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ESP32 Open IoT and IIoT Gateways (P01 & P02)

Link to repositories:

  • C
  • MicroPython (#TODO)

Ethernet connection is associated with allocating an unique IP address which will identify the device in a network. Depending on the purpose, it might be necessary to choose between allocating a dynamic or a static IP address. For developer usage, there are both examples provided.

Remember to connect the IoT Gateway to the network by an Ethernet cable.

IP adressing:

  • dynamic - There is no need to do any modifications. Just flash into device. Blinking green LED indicates communication. Open serial port monitor to see logs.


  • static - In this example it is important to set network settings manually. Flash into device. Blinking green LED indicates communication. Open serial port monitor to see logs.

Parameters to be changed:

  • DEFAULT_IP (IP address)
  • DEFAULT_GW (Gateway address)
  • DEFAULT_NM (Network mask)
